Auto Protection


Credit Life & Disability Insurance

A disabling injury, illness, or unexpected death can change everything in an instant. Financial commitments can become difficult to meet. Credit Disability Insurance will make your monthly loan payments if you are injured or disabled and out of work for at least 30 days. It will make your loan payments starting on the 31st day until you recover and are back at work, the loan is paid off, or you reach the policy maximum. Credit Life Insurance will pay off your loan balance in the event of your death up to policy maximums. Discuss your options with your loan officer to determine the best choice for your future.


GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection)

GAP insurance covers any difference between your insurance settlement and the balance of your loan if your car is stolen or totaled. Benefits of this coverage include: Eliminates the out-of-pocket expense for a remaining loan balance after your primary insurance settlement Protects credit rating and prevents financial hardship Makes purchasing a replacement vehicle more affordable Before you accept the Dealer’s products, check with your loan officer for our competitive rates.


Extended Service Contract (Warranty)

Willis-Knighton FCU has partnered with Intercontinental Warranty Services to provide members the ability to protect their auto purchase from costly repairs that may occur beyond the manufacturer's warranty. A manufacturer's warranty often falls short of the long-term protection sought by many consumers.


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